Assignment 1

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Arlo and Janus Comic - Author - Jimmy Johnson

Jimmy Johnson, creator of Arlo and Janis, believes cartoon art is  greatly  underappreciated today and that art historians generations hence will look back upon him and his peers as the Monets and Gauguins of their time. Mr. Johnson obviously is out of his cotton-picking mind. But he has a knack for drawing funny little pictures, so the folks at United Media tolerate him and keep him around. Mr. Johnson lives in a feverish fantasy world where he sees parrots and palm trees as some kind of solution to practical problems. (Did we mention Gauguin?) So, instead of addressing life's issues like a normal adult, he spends a lot of time and money on an old sailboat he thinks is going to-somehow, someday-magically spirit him away from everything. We told you, he's out of his mind. That's about all there is to say, really. He likes to cook Cajun food. He has a cat named Pirogue. He lives in Pass Christian (pronounced KristyANN) on the Gulf of Mexico, the town made famous and flat by Hurricane Camille in 1969. He haunts the docks there, waving at the shrimp boats like a real lubber and thinking about everything except his responsibilities. He, like everyone in Pass Christian, sweats a lot.

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